Working on an Update

I am currently working on a Update 1.1 for On The Clock, which will include.. well, a lot of fixes, a lot of changes, and a lot of additions. It WILL take some time, as I have a long list of roughly 20 tasks to do before Update 1.1 is done, and a lot of those tasks are not simple or easy. 

I'm hoping to have Update 1.1 done soon however, but I won't be giving a date. Update 1.1 will not require an install, and will come alongside a Trailer for the game. 

Concern a previous game jam game I made back in 2020: I may revisit Discombobulated Gravity (gods that name is way too long) eventually and give it a much needed polish patch, but that really depends on if it can hold my attention long enough for me to get around to doing that.

Files 3.1 MB
Jun 13, 2021

Get On The Clock - (GMTK 2021)

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